Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"This is more than a stage win!"

Dusseldorf - A slap in the face of the chemical company Bayer, and even more for Governor Juergen Büssow:
Way and no other one has to understand the recent ruling of the Administrative Court of Düsseldorf. The judges ruled that the controversial carbon monoxide pipeline around Dusseldorf for safety reasons may be put into operation.
While the Bayer Eilbeschluss "sorry" and stressed it was "convinced of the safety of the pipeline," rejoice, the opponents of the tube. "We will celebrate on Sunday once a feast on the grounds of an interested party in Hilden," announced the spokesman for the citizens' initiatives, Dieter to thunder.
The court was told that had the security situation of the pipeline by changing decisions of the District government does not improve, but worsened. And even more: "There was massive criticism in the case to the commissioned consultants," says Donner. "Literally, stands in the decision that the research team used a" quasi-party advice "for Bayer and the government had given the President."
Donner believes that Bayer will also go to the next instance: "The company dissuade it so difficult, like trying to turn a tanker." Initiatives in turn want to complain to the Federal Constitutional Court. "

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hanna (18) explains to her room

America, America, and once again America: The room of the 18-year-old Hannah is bursting with souvenirs from their dreamland. The flag of the United States has ever imposed on the entire door. "I'm totally besotted America," says Hanna, "was five times already there."
In 11, the same student spent a year across the Atlantic. "The Bears have given me at the door of my host sister." To the left of the flag: a photo gallery of Hannah's best friends "over there" - surrounded by shopping bags, also from the states. The angel on the mirror as a talisman of Mama's there for the year abroad.
And the butterflies on the wall? "These are my favorite animals. They have the lightness, easy to fly away if something comes. "

Thursday, April 15, 2010

100 hockey fans checked

Dusseldorf - With a large-scale deployment of 25 officers responded to an attack by the federal police in front of the hockey game against the EC of the Düsseldorf Krefeld Penguins.
"Was on the train from Dusseldorf to Krefeld, a 43-year-old Meerbuscherin to 16.30 clock of a" hockey fan "way to verbal sexual harassment," said the spokesman for the federal police, Stefan Beckmann.
"In addition, the previously unknown perpetrators tried to rob the woman's cell phone. The victim managed to escape during a stop in Meerbusch-Osterrath off the train and to alert us. "
The police immediately responded: After the arrival of the train at Düsseldorf main station, the officers, the identities of hockey fans found and photographed 37 of them.
"These images are now being analyzed and presented to the victim of attempted robbery in order to identify as the perpetrator," said Beckmann.
Most fans showed understanding for the actions of the Federal Police, which managed to implement this so that those affected were able to see the early kick-off.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Iraq South spoiled the party

breathe thick yoga mat

Johannesburg - Asia-Iraq Champion South Africans diePartystimmung spoiled at the start of the Confederations Cup.
The globetrotter Teamvon coach Bora Milutinovic defied Gastgebervon 2010 from the World Cup on Sunday in the opening game of the mini-World Cup ein0: 0 and rejoined the hopes of Bafana Bafana to the semifinals Einzugins a severe shock.
At a soccer feast dieFans waiting at Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, including the state president, Jacob Zuma, in vain. Instead, they got imersten tournament leaves a sour kick to see without great highlights.
48,827 viewers in the nearly packed arena ensured mitihren Vuvuzelas horns called for a deafening noise, this jolly atmosphere was not communicated itself to denRasen however.
For, after a colorful African dance at derEröffnungsfeier lacked the two teams to Turnierstartjeglichen playfulness and creativity.
The surprisingly without ex Dortmund's Steven Pienaar angetreteneGastgeber could nichtabstreifen their nervousness before the big backdrop and made too many mistakes in construction.
The vonMilutinovic defensive team set the outsider sogarbisweilen seemed pleasing in the playgrounds. The gate of Itumeleng Khune, who had been selected ahead of Bielefeld, Rowen Fernandez, but was also the Asian champion from 2007 is not seriously hazardous.
More on the World Cup in South Africa:
 World Cup stadium in South Africa Check more videos on TV EXPRESS
Also of interest
The Confed Cup opening party - photos

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hamilton needs to break the curse of silver -

São Paulo - Norbert Haug (55) has long been aware how to lose. In 19 years as a Mercedes sports boss there in Formula 1 and DTM celebrate many victories, but to justify even more defeats.
"We have raised the bar and now need to plug in times of criticism," Haug says the Express. "I can live with."
Schwabe, namely, the same amount of time already knows how to do arithmetic well missed titles.
After having lost the DTM-final against Audi, he says: "Our C-Class has got more points than the cars of the competition. So there is no reason to be sad. "He knows that among the general public, only the drivers' title.
Haug's balance sheet ( "Now we have silver and gold with the drivers for the designers. That's okay") is actually a curse: Curse of the Silver!
Even worse than in the DTM it works in Formula 1 After the last track, built in 1999 by Mika Häkkinen McLaren-Mercedes is often the best car, but the World Cup winning others.
Five Vice title in eight years: The Silver Arrows as Vice arrows! Haug takes it easy: "If I were sarcastic I would say: We have experience in how it is to miss the track closest to.
Because I'm realistic and positive, I say that only one team was better placed. "
That was after the missed by Lewis Hamilton by one point once again Ferrari title in 2007, ironically, with ex-Mercedes driver Kimi Räikkönen. In the World Cup final on Sunday in Sao Paulo Hamilton has another seven-point advantage (this time on Felipe Massa) and the chance to break the silver-curse.
Haug has no fear of failure again, "Lewis certainly has no problems with self-doubt." But he is careful also with anticipation: "For me, Lewis runs world champion if he is world champion."
For the Schwabe has learned since the Formula-1-Entry 1993 "humility": "We did not arrive with swollen breasts in Brazil. And none of us takes off, if it will work. "
Haug knows: "World Champion will be the one with the most points. I hope he sits in a silver car. "