Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"This is more than a stage win!"

Dusseldorf - A slap in the face of the chemical company Bayer, and even more for Governor Juergen Büssow:
Way and no other one has to understand the recent ruling of the Administrative Court of Düsseldorf. The judges ruled that the controversial carbon monoxide pipeline around Dusseldorf for safety reasons may be put into operation.
While the Bayer Eilbeschluss "sorry" and stressed it was "convinced of the safety of the pipeline," rejoice, the opponents of the tube. "We will celebrate on Sunday once a feast on the grounds of an interested party in Hilden," announced the spokesman for the citizens' initiatives, Dieter to thunder.
The court was told that had the security situation of the pipeline by changing decisions of the District government does not improve, but worsened. And even more: "There was massive criticism in the case to the commissioned consultants," says Donner. "Literally, stands in the decision that the research team used a" quasi-party advice "for Bayer and the government had given the President."
Donner believes that Bayer will also go to the next instance: "The company dissuade it so difficult, like trying to turn a tanker." Initiatives in turn want to complain to the Federal Constitutional Court. "