Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cracked suit naked crack-Po

So shall it be: full concentration, she goes deep into the right knee, her crisp rear sweeping stretches out to the back, but then - Ritsch, Ratsch!
Suddenly, Bob brings the world champion Gillian Cooke (27) a whole new perspective into play. Shortly before the start of the World Cup in St. Moritz she tore namely the suit, baring two tight butt-cheeks together with black string (the video HERE).
The Drumherumstehenden liked it, the person concerned was the professional, leaping, despite the little mishap in the Bob hastily and darted away. In the end there was only enough for seventh place The crucial test for the Olympics took it pretty hard on the pants. Not so for the Germans. In St. Moritz won Cathleen Martini and Romy Logsch.

Friday, May 21, 2010

TV host fired for cologne

Cologne / Istanbul - The reputation of the original Eau de Cologne, eau de cologne ranges in the world - now there's a perfume affair in Turkey! In Focus: A TV host who dared to dismiss as bad cologne mouth.
"At the worst," said Bahar Feyzan from Istanbul TV channel "Canal 24" in an interview, "I find guests who wear cologne with lemon fragrance. I can not stand it. My nose starts to hurt. "
Pain was preparing this statement particularly the conservative management: prompt, she announced to the young lady with the Kolonya-aversion (Old Turkish for Cologne) - and without notice - from a "lack of respect for the institution"!
The Original Eau de Cologne - a distillate of bergamot, lime, grapefruit and orange enjoyed - in the 18th Century in Turkey, popular and quickly became the nation's perfume and medicinal remedies.
Today, the melt is in Istanbul as often dowdy and provincial. Kolonya-makers come out as antediluvian country eggs.
And poor Bahar Feyzan? The angry with her testimony probably the secret Kolonya Group on channel 24, which felt affected by the alleged defamation ...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

gets out after 23 years - Isolde Pavarotti

Cologne - Marianne Rogé is one of the primary rocks of the "Linden Street". Since February 1986, the geboreneSchauspielerin in Munster, and to see a singer on the screen as Isolde Pavarotti Panowak earlier - in the ARD-time series.
Now is the end! Märzverabschiedet end, the actress remains of their "Lindenstrasse" fans for how long, open for now.
For the last time on March 29, Roge is as Isolde Pavarotti to see on the screen. In "Adieu" she says goodbye to the "Linden Street". With ihremLebenspartner Skabowski Bruno (Heinz Marecek) it moves to Ischiaaus.
In the Reuters interview Roge reported their exit and their new plans - click HERE>

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rangnick is a warrior, we want your scalp!

Munich / Hoffenheim - football experience at the Allianz Arena. Bayern and Hoffenheim.
The master record against the sensational runner from the village. FC Beam breast against TSG Large lust. Guest coach Ralf Rangnick is mighty hot on Bayern - and wants to behead the athletic Munich!
"We do not go there to exchange jerseys - we want her scalp." Bam! Chief "Rangnitou" and his young football blow-warriors to attack against Germany's soccer superpower.
The taunts from the last days of Munich manager Uli Hoeness, advisor Paul Breitner and different players have Rangnick obviously something more tickled than he would admit. But now he back wedges. Asks the Bavaria-scalp and sends afterwards: "Who wants to hear witty words, you must go to Munich. Who wants to see speedy football, which is right here. "
Thus says the chief officer of the table. Fearless, aggressive - a real Indian, this "Rangnitou.
"Anyone who has volunteered there in the last few days to speak, because I did not know that yet with Bayern," he quips - and now wants to show the bigwigs from Munich, which he declined even as a teenager: "I Formerly conviction Gladbach fan "
How heart-warming as the time the foal Borussia mixed Rangnick currently performs with his troupe, the Bubi Bundesliga. And prior to the league summit really addressed mood. An arrow flies in the direction of Jürgen Klinsmann: "I did not want to be his assistant coach for the national team. Since I am not the type for it. "The next in the direction of Munich audience:" The Bayern fans have not been struck by the fact that they support their team unconditionally. They want to be entertained. "
This much is clear - "Rangnitou" has no fear of Bavaria. "Maybe we will play in Munich, even with four strikers." That can be fun!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Boris' daughter as a TV star

Slowly the black sedan comes before the film studios to a halt. Angela Ermakova, and daughter Anna get out, stride in the camera flashes on the red carpet.
Like a true movie star expresses little Anna to remember their little hands in cement ...
What looks like in Hollywood, was in broad daylight in the middle of Cologne. For the Soap "Alles was zählt" (19.05, RTL) Anna Ermakova (stand 7) one day before the camera.
On Tuesday's see the result. 243 The Seven consecutive plays himself, takes on dance teacher Nadia Roschinski (Regine Seidler) ballet lessons.
 As the daughter of tennis legend Boris Becker and his linen closet-Quickie Angela Ermakova is little Anna performances used in the limelight. Recently, the redhead strutting on a children's show in Florence on the catwalk, enlisted a little later in Dusseldorf for a children's nail polish.
Now she wants to be an actress. "For as much money is earned," said sie.Doch all this is not a bit much for a 7-year-old? "I am a mystery how the child creates," says, "Everything counts" star Regine Seidler (37) . By EXPRESS she spoke about her strange twist with the Becker-sprout.
"I find it quite strange, marketed as her daughter, Angela Ermakova," says Regine. "I would wish her a normal childhood." Because Anna was on her rather "acted like a tame dog.
And how much money was given the millions of poor children for playing? RTL did not reply to such inquiries. Conveniently, it will be in the business-mum hardly have been ...