Saturday, May 15, 2010

gets out after 23 years - Isolde Pavarotti

Cologne - Marianne Rogé is one of the primary rocks of the "Linden Street". Since February 1986, the geboreneSchauspielerin in Munster, and to see a singer on the screen as Isolde Pavarotti Panowak earlier - in the ARD-time series.
Now is the end! Märzverabschiedet end, the actress remains of their "Lindenstrasse" fans for how long, open for now.
For the last time on March 29, Roge is as Isolde Pavarotti to see on the screen. In "Adieu" she says goodbye to the "Linden Street". With ihremLebenspartner Skabowski Bruno (Heinz Marecek) it moves to Ischiaaus.
In the Reuters interview Roge reported their exit and their new plans - click HERE>