Thursday, March 18, 2010

FBI mug shot released by Osama bin Laden

Washington / Madrid --
In the search for terror lord Osama bin Laden, the U.S. has now published another search with pictures. The images show a gray-haired and well-aged Al-Qaeda leader.
The mastermind behind the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington and on the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya 1998 has not in the photo instead of his usual hat and long beard, a truncated beard.
Piquant: When creating the image was used by the investigators, the photo of the Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares. This was confirmed by a spokesman for the FBI, according to El Mundo.
A technician had recourse in the search for matching elements on the face of Internet search engine Google. He had come across a picture of Llamazares. "This was done without any intention," said FBI spokesman of the leaf. "It was a mistake. The technician had not the slightest inkling of who it was there. "
As the Madrid newspaper El Mundo reported on Saturday, came the hair and forehead clearly by the Spanish parliament. Llamazares in Spain is a respected politician. He sits on the United Left (IU) in the Spanish Parliament, and had the Mehrparteienbündnis cited for many years.
The politician asked the Spanish government to appeal to the competent authorities in the U.S. complaint, and joined legal action against the FBI is not sufficient.